Dr Karen Milbourne Retires as Chairman of Area 12

Dr Karen Milbourne stepped down as Chairman at the Area AGM on Saturday 15th November.  Miss Emma Brown was appointed as Chairman.  The Committee and Members thanked the out-going Chairman for all her hard work since taking on the position in 2004 and wish her well for the future.


You are invited to join the Side Saddle Association at an Autumn Social Event

The Side Saddle Association invite you to an Autumn Social Event On Sunday 9th October 2016 commencing at 1.30pm  The Museum of The Horse/Sally Mitchell Gallery, Market Place, Tuxford, Nottinghamshire NG22 0LA. Places cost £12.50 each and are strictly limited to 50, they will be allocated on a first come, first served basis and only […]

What a lovely day!

What a great turnout at the Summer Show on Sunday 29th May from Area members and visitors.  Most of the classes were really well supported, nudging double figures in one or two of them.  We hope you liked the layout and format for the day, including the chance to win a prize in the lunch-time […]

The Side Saddle Association requires a National Show Organiser for 2017

Applicants should have proven experience of running a large Equestrian Championship Show and the ability to lead a team comprising of Volunteers who have their own specific roles. Communication skills, computer literacy and basic accounting knowledge are essential. The Show Organiser is appointed annually by The Council of The Side Saddle Association to run the […]