Please be aware the selling/trading of goods unless via an authorised trade stand IS NOT PERMITTED and anyone found to be selling/trading goods from their horsebox or car may be asked to leave. Such unauthorised trading is also unfair on the legitimate Trade Stands who have paid for their Trade Stand space.

National Show 2020

CANCELLATION OF THE NATIONAL SIDE SADDLE SHOW 7/8/9th AUGUST  2020 In the light of the present situation with Coronavirus the Side Saddle Association has made the difficult decision to cancel the 2020 National Show. It is incredibly disappointing for everyone who helps to organise and run the show, our sponsors,  trade stand holders and for […]

Coloured Cob Equestrian Centre Hosts Side Saddle Display

The Coloured Cob Equestrian Centre invites you to a fantastic night on 15th April at the Centre with an awe-inspiring side saddle demonstration from Hazel and Lauren Allin. Each year Hazel very kindly brings her beautiful horses and the atmosphere is fun and electric. There will be a demonstration from Hazel and then you can […]

Leicestershire County Show Is Back

A wide range of horse and pony classes is being scheduled for this newly-reformed show, to be held in Market Harborough on 27th August.  The schedule is currently being finalised and will be circulated.  It is hopeful that side saddle classes will also be included.