Please be aware the selling/trading of goods unless via an authorised trade stand IS NOT PERMITTED and anyone found to be selling/trading goods from their horsebox or car may be asked to leave. Such unauthorised trading is also unfair on the legitimate Trade Stands who have paid for their Trade Stand space.

Racenight Tickets… Don’t forget to buy your tickets

If any Member is wanting tickets for the Racenight being organised by Area 12 in October, to raise funds for the Area, please get in touch with Nigel McKenna ASAP as these tickets are now being offered to the wider public and you may miss out! Thank you.

Collingham Show

The schedule and entry form for Collingham Show is now live on our website.

The 12 for 12 Challenge

A new initiative for Area 12 full members.  The 12 for 12 challenge. 12 shows have been selected and points can be gained by competitors at these.  The points will be calculated monthly and the competitor with the highest points will be presented with a lovely trophy and other prizes at the Area 12 AGM […]