Welcome to 2020

Dear Member and Side Saddle Supporter…. delighted to welcome you to the Area for the 2020 season.  We have updated our Schedules page with shows booked so far and our own Area schedules are now live.

Hope you see you all out and about and enjoying your side saddle this season.

Emma, Chairman

Update on our Chairman

A message from the Side Saddle Secretary to update us on our Chairman Janet Senior. “Janet has asked that she still receives no direct communication for the time being as she needs to rest and has good days and bad days. She had a setback this week when she went in for her appointment and […]

Area 12 Summer Show

We hope to see you all at the Summer Show on Sunday 28th May.  Have booked sunny weather.  A Newsletter is making it’s way very shortly to Area Members which gives an update on what’s been happening in the region. Do let us have any news or information that you would like to share at […]

Racenight Tickets… Don’t forget to buy your tickets

If any Member is wanting tickets for the Racenight being organised by Area 12 in October, to raise funds for the Area, please get in touch with Nigel McKenna ASAP as these tickets are now being offered to the wider public and you may miss out! Thank you.